Sponsorship for research
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Current Grants

Dr G Chinnery
Early Economical Benefits of Perioperative Nasojejunal Tube Feeding in Non-Critical Care Adult Surgical Patients with Gastric Feed Intolerance.
View publishedd paper here:
Grant Information
Please note that ENASA Grants Application for 2023 closes 15 December
SASPEN research grants in partnership with ENASA , aims to encourage further studies in the field of disease-related malnutrition and to establish the role on enteral feeding in diseases related malnutrition.
SASPEN invites all potential candidates to apply for the research grants to the total value of R 50 000. A maximum of R25 000 will be allocated to a successful research proposal.
Applicants must be fully paid-up members of SASPEN and have been members of SASPEN for at least 2 (two) years.
Deadline for submissions is 15 December 2023.
Enquiries to info@saspen.co.za
General conditions
The Research Grant will be awarded to the total amount of R50 000 only, to support 2 applications to the value of R25 000 per grant. It should be part of a structured research project conducted by a host institution (the host institution may be any accredited Research Council, Research Unit or University in South Africa). Only one application per person will be considered.
The payment will be a once-off payment. Researchers may however apply for the grant the following round. The outcome will however be dependent on the number of applications received. The researcher would also have to submit a motivation and a breakdown of how the funds were allocated in the previous round.
The principal researcher must be, at the time of application, be residing in South Africa and the research must be conducted in South Africa. The researcher should also be willing to present the research at a SASPEN congress.
The topic of the research project need to be on a topic related to Disease-Related Malnutrition.
Institutional Liability
The host institution(s) must accept accountability for the grant and must ensure the validity, correctness and completeness of all information submitted. In case of the grant being used to complete or obtain a post-graduate degree, an appropriate supervisor must be identified by the institution and has to accept responsibility for the supervision of the student researcher. The grant may be used for research purposes only and not for the university fees.
Research Ethics
The highest ethical and safety standards when conducting research must be maintained, particularly when human and/or animal subjects are involved. It remains the sole responsibility of the grant holder to comply with all relevant regulations in this respect, specifically those laid down by the Ethics Committee of the host institution(s).
Use of funds
This grant must be used in compliance with all South African and international laws, and the research outputs must be used entirely for lawful purposes. Funds must be used exclusively for the approved research proposal(s).
Grants must be administered according to the financial policies of the host institution(s). It is the responsibility of the institution to meet the requirements of current tax legislation.
Cancellation/transfer of grant
The grant is not transferable. Should the researcher(s) become unfit to finish the research project, SASPEN must be informed. The host institution(s) can propose alternate arrangements for the continuation of the project under new leadership. Transfer will be approved if SASPEN is satisfied that the project will continue at the same level.
Changes to proposal
Written approval from SASPEN must be obtained if there are significant changes to the objectives of the initial proposal(s) approved and funded.
Acknowledgement of ENASA in publications and other media
This grant is made possible by ENASA, therefore the researcher(s) must assure that ENASA is acknowledged in any publication (including world wide web pages) of any material based on or developed under this grant as well as in any presentation of the results at scientific meetings and/or congresses.
A grant holder is responsible for ensuring that the following disclaimer is included in any publication:
“Any opinion, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and therefore ENASA does not accept any liability in regard thereto.”
SASPEN and ENASA will require documentation related to expenditure and financial audits will be required bi-annually.
Research Equipment
Equipment purchased with the grant will remain the property of the host institution(s).
Submission of reports
The researcher(s) will be required to submit bi-annual reports to SASPEN committee on research progress. At conclusion of the project, a final consolidated report (including the findings and recommendations) and a final financial report is required.
Breach of contract
If the grant holder or the institution is in breach of any of the above terms and conditions, SASPEN will be entitled without any further notification, to cancel this agreement with immediate effect and consider all grant monies paid out plus interest and legal costs immediately due and payable.
Each research proposal will be assessed on:
- Understanding of the topic “Disease related malnutrition”
- Scientific merit
- Design and methods
- Project achievability
- Ethical clearance of project
- Expertise & track record of research team.